Saturday, 19 July 2014

Are you getting influenced or awakened?


  1. very profound and very debatable.......also very well written!
    Keep writing!

    1. @Sheila-Thanks for your response. You mentioned the quote is debatable. Knowledge always is debatable. I would like to know your point of view. After all, that's why the blog was created in the first place. i am up for the debate.

    2. Well there are 2 points of debate-
      1. What is right? Right is entirely dependent on your perspective which is subject to a person's ethnic background, gender and age.
      2. Reasoning with your self, without an external stimuli to excite your thoughts, is very limiting, and probably leads to a more rigid and orthodox attitude because there are no changeables. Also,reasoning with others tests the depth of thought, and your conviction and commitment to your idea / thought.
      Cold reason needs to be warmed in an atmosphere off discussion before it can become applicable to life ... don't you agree?
      your turn to debate!

    3. 1.I agree that everyone will have different perspective of right and wrong. But despite that, there is a link between all our different perspectives. The link is the PURPOSE of taking that action or decision. If I want to punish a person because I don't like him, then it may be wrong. But if my purpose is to correct a person so that he does not commit the same mistake and develop as a threat to society, then it may be right. That's what we do with the criminals and child to teach them what is right. But I want to assert the fact that if punishment is not fulfilling the purpose, then it is wrong action or decision.
      In short, we agree to many social rules and regulations and we agree to them because of their purpose despite our different perspectives of right.

      2. I agree with you even on this one. I obviously, don’t mean to say that don’t listen to other’s reasoning. Even I am also listening to you now. After listening, the second step is to question ourselves. Because we cannot deny that there are people who are ready to influence you to believe in their thoughts for their personal gains. May be to make you a terrorist or may be to make you convert to their religion and so on.
      Final decision should be taken only after you have reasoned with yourself because the power of introspection is immense.

  2. sheila bhattacharya27 July 2014 at 09:59

    yes I agree with that , so awakening will be 'when you listen to others and then reason with your self?! :)

    1. Reasoning is never ending. Even the thought of feeling like listening to someone should be introspected. I am listening to you but I would have ended the conversation with someone else. Usually, we would respond to what we want to hear. If someone has a heartbreak, he would like to listen to someone who consoles him and says that it is not his fault. That thinking stops a person from discovering the truth. But in introspection, one looks at all the aspects which may be opposed to the natural way of responding to a situation. The person introspecting would try to understand a situation from many people points of view to discover the ultimate truth.
